
耶青与CEF,ACM, UBF的关系

转贴自“中国耶青现象研究”, http://ydwatcher.blogspot.com/2008/02/cefacm-ubf.html

CEF(Campus Evangelical Fellowship,校园福音团契)的前身,是韩国的JFC(Jesus Family Centre,耶稣家庭中心),都是张在亨牧师创立的,用来在各地的大学或高校招揽教友。

JFC(Jesus Family Centre,耶稣家庭中心)成立于1994年,当时已有人怀疑它是传异端的。1998年易名为CEF(Campus Evangelical Fellowship,校园福音团契),翌年,CEF所成立的教会,组成EAPC(Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches,福音长老会集会)。


2000年,CEF的名字忽然不见了,代之而起的是ACM(Apostolos Campus Ministry,使徒校园传教会)。

1996年,是可以查证的,张在亨在中国传教的最早的年份。他派遣两位宣教士,一男一女,到上海复旦大学,借进修为名,展开传教工作。YD(Young Disicpels of Jesus,耶稣青年会),是2001年在北京成立的。据山谷真少佐考证,中国的CEF在2001年易名为耶稣青年会,是否属实?

别的国家不谈,在2001年前,中国确有CEF的存在,同时也有ACM。中国的CEF应该是UBF(University Bible Fellowship,大学生研经宣教会)在2001年前后大分裂时,在中国有些UBF分支,投向张在亨,给张在亨收编,成为中国的CEF。1996年,两位韩国安提阿长老会的宣教士在复旦大学和其它地区工作,后来得力于CEF/UBF的班底,加上新收的干事,演变为耶稣青年会。

UBF(University Bible Fellowship,大学生研经宣教会)为韩国人Samuel Lee 所创,强调“宣教”,中国和美国是他们传教的重点,己被研究新兴教派的学者判为操控性教派。1995年加入“北美福音派联盟”(NAE),2004年复给逐出联盟。Young Disciples 本来不是专有名词,不过UBF习惯自称为 Young Disciples。Young Disciples of Jesus(耶青)和Young Disciples (UBF)相似。从名称的相似和变化来看,有可能就是收编为CEF的那一支UBF,后来在复旦大学及其它大学发展为耶青,2001年后正式自称成Young Disciples of Jesus。

耶稣青年会起源自中国是可以肯定的,但不是中国学生的“自发”组织,它与CEF密切有关。1996年朴贞美干事和林保罗牧师从韩国到复旦工作时,中国已有CEF里面有些从前是UBF。除了耶青外,中国有ACM,因为中国的CEF己变成YD了,ACM就不好改称为YD。所以,在韩国、日本,CEF 直接变身为ACM,组成EAPC。但在中国大陆,虽然同属张在亨部下却有耶青和ACM。后来,其它国家也有耶青了,都是由大陆派出去的干事或学生搞起来的。不过,耶青和ACM的前身是CEF,无庸置疑。ACM和耶青的传教手法,和核心教义,都是一样的。

在中国,耶青和ACM,在中国并存至今天,未能"合在一起"(统一名称),可见内中可能有派系的问题。个中原因之一,可能是初时UBF的影响太深,习惯了称为Young Disciples。不过,由他们在各省市成立的“长老教会”,都归属一个“总会”(GA)。



YD/CEF, ACM 和UBF三者的分别︰

1. 相同之处︰
a. 韩国系新兴教派。
b. 受韩国主脑人支配。
c. 专门向大学生传教。
d. 强调普世宣教。
e. 传教手法有相同之处,用了很多韩文述语。YD承袭UBF一些旧习和述语,都叫Young Disciples,称初 信者为“羊羔”等。 YD也承袭了UBF某些操控性的传教方法,如“写所感”。
f. UBF,ACM 和耶青都有类似“配婚”的安排。
g. UBF 和张系的校园传教团体,都佯称超宗派的学生福音运动,却以收揽学生入自己所创立的教会为目的。张系的教会自称为“长老会”,即EAPC。

2. 不同之处︰
a. UBF非“统一教教义”体系,除在2001年大分裂前后投入张在亨旗下的,都不宣认张在亨为”再临主”。CEF,耶青和ACM则同为张在享属下的韩国长老会的的传教工具,属 “统一教教义”体系,相信张在亨为再临主。
b. 藉UBF所组成的教会并不标榜宗派。而 ACM和 YD对外自称为"福音派长老会”,ACM和YD同属一个总会,骨子里是一样东西,传教方式一样,所讲的“道”一样,同属张系“共同体”,“144000”人之一份子。



Reposted from "A Study of the Chinese Yeqing Phenomenon", http://ydwatcher.blogspot.com/2008/02/cefacm-ubf.html

The predecessor of CEF (Campus Evangelical Fellowship) was the JFC (Jesus Family Centre) in Korea, which was founded by Pastor Jang Jae-hyung to recruit church members at universities and colleges around the world.

The JFC (Jesus Family Centre) was founded in 1994, when there were already suspicions that it was a heretical organization, and was renamed CEF (Campus Evangelical Fellowship) in 1998. The following year, the churches established by CEF formed the EAPC (Evangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches).

From the establishment of EAPC, it is clear that Chang Jae-Heng's so-called "campus missionary movement" is not a supra-denominational, ecumenical student missionary movement, but a tool for his kingdom building.

In 2000, the name CEF suddenly disappeared and was replaced by ACM (Apostolos Campus Ministry, Apostolic Campus Missionary Society).

The year 1996 is the earliest year that can be verified that Jaehyun Chang was a missionary in China. YD (Young Disicpels of Jesus) was established in Beijing in 2001. Is it true that the CEF in China changed its name to Young Disicpels of Jesus in 2001, according to the testimony of Shinzo Tanigaya?

The CEF in China should be the UBF (University Bible Fellowship), which had some branches of UBF in China during the great split around 2001, and became the CEF in China. In 1996, two Korean missionaries from Antioch Presbyterian Church worked in Fudan University and other areas, and later, with the CEF/UBF team and the newly recruited officers, it evolved into the Young Men of Jesus.

UBF (University Bible Fellowship) was founded by Samuel Lee, a Korean, with an emphasis on "mission" and a focus on China and the United States, and has been judged by scholars of emerging denominations as a manipulative denomination. "Young Disciples was not a proper name, but UBF used to call itself Young Disciples. Young Disciples of Jesus is similar to Young Disciples (UBF). From the similarity and change of names, it is possible that the UBF was the same UBF that was incorporated as CEF, later developed into Young Disciples of Jesus at Fudan University and other universities, and officially called itself Young Disciples of Jesus after 2001.

It is certain that YD originated in China, but it was not a "spontaneous" organization of Chinese students, it was closely related to CEF. In Korea and Japan, the CEF became the ACM and became the EAPC, but in mainland China, although they were under the same ministry of Jaehyung Jang, there were the Yayoi and the ACM. However, there is no doubt that CEF is the predecessor of ACM and ACM, and that the missionary methods and core teachings of ACM and ACM are the same.

In China, ACM and Yeshiva have coexisted in China until today, but have not been "united" (unified name), so there may be a problem of factions. One of the reasons for this may be the deep influence of the UBF at the beginning, which used to be called Young Disciples, but the "Presbyterian churches" established by them in the provinces and cities are all under one "General Assembly" (GA).

The idea of a community does not necessarily require a unified name. The same thing, under different names, is in line with the Community's strategy of subverting and infiltrating evangelical churches." It is a good sign of the strength of the Community that Yeshiva has emerged as a spontaneous missionary movement of Christian students in China, strategically, because people are coming from all over.

On the mainland, YD, ACM, and UBF were very close until 2006; ACM and YD are relatives of the same origin, and UBF is a Korean-speaking group that shares the same voice and is the target of Jaehyung Chang's integration. To study the "Korean" emergent sects in mainland China, it is important to identify these organizations working in the universities.

The differences between YD/CEF, ACM and UBF: 1.

1. Similarities
a. Korean emergent denomination.
b. Dominated by Korean masterminds.
c. Specializing in preaching to college students.
d. Emphasis on ecumenical mission.
YD has inherited some of the old practices and expressions of UBF, such as Young Disciples and calling new believers "lambs". YD also inherited some manipulative missionary methods from UBF, such as "writing what you feel".
f. UBF, ACM and YD all have similar "matchmaking" arrangements.
g. Both the UBF and Chang's campus missionary groups pretend to be supra-denominational student evangelical movements, but aim to recruit students into the churches they have founded. Chang's church calls itself the "Presbyterian Church," or EAPC. 2.

2. Differences.
a. UBF is not a "Unification Church" system, except for those who joined Jang before and after the Great Schism in 2001, but they do not claim Jang as "Adventist". They belong to the "Unification Church" system, which believes in Jang Jae-hyung as the Adventist.
b. The churches formed through UBF are not denominational. The ACM and YD call themselves "Evangelical Presbyterian Church", but they belong to the same General Assembly, and are the same thing at heart. They are part of the "144000" people.

A brief list of David Chang's denominational bodies included in this article (for mainland China)
