Young Disicpels of Jesus(英)耶稣青年会(中)YD(缩写)
Young Disicpels of Jesus(英)耶稣青年会(中)YD(缩写)
张大卫(张在亨)1997年从大韩耶稣教长老会同福音的首尔•安提阿教会派遣韩国人宣教士到中国,推进了作为中国学生对象的传教。这是作为“耶稣家庭中心”(Jesus Family Centre,JFC)的后身“校园福音团契”(Campus Evangelical Fellowship,CEF)的活动。其结果,是2000年“基督的再临”这一个事件,将上海的复旦大学做为中心强有力的据点诞生,并设立以中国人为主体的“耶稣青年会”( Young Disicpels of Jesus,YD)。“耶稣青年会”也已传入到“张大卫教派”在各个国家的活动中,在日本,2003年由传教士安•马大和菅野真理子发起成立了耶稣青年会。中国学生作为主体的“耶稣青年会”在九州各地的大学设立。现在日本“耶稣青年会”的会长,是Christian Today的记者矢田乔大。
世界各国“耶稣青年会”设立后,耶稣青年会的本部于2004年迁移至旧金山,现在,成为“世界福音同盟”(World Evangelical Alliance,WEA)的加盟团体。
“耶稣青年会”的异端邪教性,在中国也被告发。其活动方式,就是把JFC,CEF,ACM的做法合并到一起:对学校内外的学生一对一劝讲圣经,使人确信张大卫(张在亨)是“来临的基督”, 并让其住在“兄弟屋”过集体生活,同时以无偿或低薪方式让其在相关企业及团体使役。其教义和活动内容,包括在认为必要的情况下使对父母和朋友的保密变得正当化,对外则宣称“自己是正统的改革长老教会”,并将撒谎作为正当化。
世界各国“耶稣青年会”设立后,耶稣青年会的本部于2004年迁移至旧金山,现在,成为“世界福音同盟”(World Evangelical Alliance,WEA)的加盟团体。
“耶稣青年会”的异端邪教性,在中国也被告发。其活动方式,就是把JFC,CEF,ACM的做法合并到一起:对学校内外的学生一对一劝讲圣经,使人确信张大卫(张在亨)是“来临的基督”, 并让其住在“兄弟屋”过集体生活,同时以无偿或低薪方式让其在相关企业及团体使役。其教义和活动内容,包括在认为必要的情况下使对父母和朋友的保密变得正当化,对外则宣称“自己是正统的改革长老教会”,并将撒谎作为正当化。
A student missionary group founded in Shanghai, China, called the David Chang Sect. Its heretical nature has also been denounced in China.
Young Disicpels of Jesus (English) YD (Chinese)
YD Hong Kong official website: http://hk.ydjesus.org/
Club Logo
David Jang (Jaehyung Jang) sent Korean missionaries from the Seoul-Antiochthon Church of the Presbyterian Church of Jesus in Korea to China in 1997 to promote the mission as a target for Chinese students. This is the activity of Campus Evangelical Fellowship (CEF), the successor of Jesus Family Centre (JFC). The result was the 2000 "Campus Evangelical Fellowship" (CEF). As a result, the "Second Coming of Christ" event in 2000 saw the birth of Fudan University in Shanghai as a strong stronghold for the center and the establishment of the Chinese oriented Young Disicpels of Jesus (YD). Young Disicpels of Jesus (YD). "The YD has also spread to the activities of the Davidians in various countries, and in Japan, the YD was founded in 2003 by missionaries Ann Martha and Mariko Sugano. Chinese students are the main body of the YD, which has been established at universities throughout Kyushu. The current president of the YD in Japan is Christian Today's journalist Joe Yada.
After the establishment of YDs around the world, the headquarters of YD moved to San Francisco in 2004 and is now a member of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA).
"The heretical nature of the JFC has also been denounced in China. Its activities are a combination of the JFC, CEF, and ACM practices: it preaches the Bible one-on-one to students inside and outside the school, convincing them that David Chang is the "coming Christ" and living in a "brotherhood house" for communal living. At the same time, he was given unpaid or low-paying jobs in related companies and organizations. His teachings and activities include legitimizing the secrecy of parents and friends when deemed necessary, claiming to be "an orthodox Reformed Presbyterian Church" and legitimizing lying to the outside world.
David Chang (Jaehyung Chang) sent missionaries from China to India first, but failed. After that, Korean missionaries were sent to China, Japan, Southeast Asia, England, and the United States. The success story in China led to the establishment of the current overseas missionary approach of the David Chang School. In the first stage, missionaries were sent from Korea to learn the language of that country and train interpreters. The second stage was to establish one-on-one Bible teaching by the locals themselves, and to set up related businesses in the area that could provide financial support to make the mission self-sustaining. The third stage is to send missionaries from that country to other countries, and at the same time, to establish a system of sending funds and human resources from David Chang (Jaehyung Chang) in San Francisco, which is a world missionary center.
"One of the important tasks of David Chang's overseas missions was to find suitable candidates in the region to conduct one-on-one Bible teaching and conduct spiritual accompaniment meetings. A female pastor named Sarah Lee emerged in China as a missionary who met these criteria. Once Sarah Lee had established herself as a leader, the Korean missionary returned to China, although thereafter, there were public security revelations and it subsequently became difficult for Korean missionaries to enter China.